This is Google's cache of . Google's cache is the snapshot that we took of the page as we crawled the web. The page may have changed since that time. Click here for the current page without highlighting. Google is not affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content. These search terms have been highlighted: smelly melt banana This was my second full American tour with Melt Banana With in these pages you can learn About Melt Banana, follow their tour in the U.S.A. and write to the band directly. 10/21/96 San Francisco In Store @ OPEN MIND RECORDS. Skin Graft was pushing for this pyre show. Now I was so FUCKING busy that this show seemed out of reach, but I agreed to make it happen for my friends. They wanted us to bring a P.A. system, but they didn't want to pay Melt Banana. This was going to be a free show, well I told them I would rent them my P.A. for $50 bucks. After talking with Pusard of 3 Day Stubble, we worked out a scam. Pusard got a P.A. delivered by the best sound man in San Francisco. Armando from the covered wagon, he slid us the money for the P.A. and did the show for free. Well the set was short and sweet. The land lord an old black women came down and watched a few songs then told the store owner to turn the music down. This was the first lesson of TURN DOWN, MEANS TURN UP. Well that's what I taught Melt Banana on this tour. There were about 18 people in attendance the show was fun and a good warm up. 10/22/96 San Francisco Bottom Of the Hill with Rudolph & The Molecules. Well we were finally at the starting gate. After a few daze of mad T-shirt producing and wrapping up loose ends. By the way I left a lot of things hanging. Rudolph was supposed to support Melt Banana on all the shows, But Deanna didn't deliver the goods in the proper way. Well we opened and I didn't realize how busy I was going to be. Rudolph did just fine, but had a few bass equipment, volume problems. The Molecules played next and they had the worst night I have ever seen them preform. Melt Banana hit the stage and was unbelievable, all the worries were past and I knew why I was involved with this super group again. Agata had a guitar chord problem at the first few notes, I ran to the stage and replaced the bad chord. Agata and Karen shared the night of embarrassment and mistakes. But no one seemed to mind. It was a rough start but the tour was on its way. Sudoh was most improved as a drummer and musician. He was FUCKING incredible at this show. 10/23/96 T-shirts and fix the van day. I had everyone in Melt Banana folding counting and silk screening T-shirts as I worked on the van. We all loaded the van. It was packed. Packed to the top. We worked hard on this day. 10/24/96 Portland The Satyricon After an early 5 am departure from San Francisco, we arrived slowly and carefully. The van was loaded to the hilt with Equipment, supplies and people. The FUCKING van moved real slow. I didn't sleep the night before, I was very anguished about getting on the road. So by time I arrived at the club I could hardly keep my eyes open. This was the start of a very long loss of sleep pattern. The equipment was still fresh to the banana kids. So there seem to be a bit of difficulties around the stage. YaSuKo was wearing these funny Turquoise pants and a very strange frog T-shirt. She freaked me out, this was also a start of a new eye popping freak out regular item. But the band smoked and the show was ::::::::: welt it was attended by about 40 luck FUCKING Portalnd mother FUCKERS. The people who saw this show were stocked. I had the T-shirt booth full of items, had the computer out and was going to town on some e mail. I called Dave Dictor of Millions Of Dead COPS and tried to get him to come down to the show. Portland isn't a very friendly town, so it would have been nice to see hi or Joe Preston. Agata and I saw a huge U.F.O. on the way in to Oregon's state line. Was most wonderful sight in my entire life. This was only the begging of a very long and plentiful sightings. 10/25/96 Olympia The Alamo Boy this town is full of shit. The trendy little fucks who go to Collage. I had my moment here, but that show was almost four years ago.. We were playing a release party for the movie HYPE. I didn't get to watch the whole movie, I had so much work to do. It seemed that I was still trying to tie everything together. I wanted to make sure that Melt Banana were very comfortable. I knew that Lars from GROTUS would be here tonight. We have several e mail wars. They wanted to record the show on adat tape tonight, which started another fall tour delusion. The promoter was Japanese and he was a bit to FUCKING American. He tried to play scum American games with me, while he was total polite man to Melt Banana. Well after not giving us drinks, Food or Water for the stage. I knew he was awry. We talked as a group in depth about recording.. melt Banana and SMELLY decided to write up a contract to hive to the promoter so the recording wasn't skewed.. I didn't have much time, melt banana were still counting t-shirts. Lars and Quimby showed talked a bit and took me out for a beer at a local pub. Lars looked really happy and was in good health. I missed the opening band. By time I returned it was time to load up the equipment on stage. They left us in the FUCKING dark, but I had the trusty roadie flash light and shinned the way. The audience was real receptive. Agata broke one g sting this night. The Girls were out of hand in the scene. They had picked on this poor young man until attention was gathered. YaSuKo defused it quickly.. Embarrassed and accused wrongly the young man just back down and left. After the show we sold T-shirts from the stage. The rave busted out and people were dancing to the shifty sounds of a D.J. seems like most don't like live music anymore. 163 people in attendance this night. After when we tried to get paid, the promoter said I had to pay the Molecules out of Melt Banana money. Well that was a big fuck no your wrong. Molecules fought it out for their measly fifty bones.. It just doesn't pay to be an old punker the whole ideal of punk is dead. 10/26/96. Eugene John Henrys OH this was a good one, send us back down the coast for and Eight hour drive to play to 11 people on a Saturday night. Thanks NOAB Booking. It was a slow and long drive we left very early after having breakfast with Lars and Quimby. I let YaSuKo and Sudoh drive to see if they could handle the van. Well both of them scared the hell out of me. But Agata and I listened to Billie Holiday. To tell you the truth The Molecules were hot. Melt Banana were FUCKING fantastic and have dialed in the equipment after just three shows. 10/27/96 Spokane Washington. Well it can be really good or really bad. Just depends who your traveling with. A rocking 18 people here tonight. Rock on Washington. Well I talked to David Hayes two nights ago, he just laughed when I called, smart ass! The first laugh was that I called from Portland, the second laugh was for the fact that no one comes out to shows. But what ever right, I was just thinking lets get the North west over with First. Because it is always FUCKING cold and raining up there. FUCK 'EM! NOAB booking got us a $200 dollar guarantee, cool, man, burnt that promoter, he was pissed off and sulking. Us one them ZERO! I watched him moan & Drink all night. We ate sloppy Burgers and Sandwiches from the bar, drank some juice and some coke. The opening band was a black death grind punk band. WHITE ZOMBIE meets Gilman street. FUCKING going be a long tour watching local acts open for Melt Banana. Going be a real FUCKING long one. I don't mind most bands, but it gets real repetitive out there. The shows was fun, we got a DAT tape of this show. The sound was real loud, loudest to date of this tour. The people were nice, all 18 of them. Lets just say that most of them were playing pool or just having a local beer. David Hayes took us home. He house was full of junk. Like a bad spending spree at thrifty Meijers used junk yard. 8 track tapes, tons of vinyl, record players, movies, that 16 millimeter kind of film, super 8 films, magazines were stack on top of everything. Mail was spread around, well this was the junk mail available in life today. Hey It was FUCKING cold & they even had the heat on. David has this rowdy dog, the kind that makes your hair go thin. Always on top of you, always on the make, always looking for attention. This dog is like an old girlfriend who won't leave you alone. The thing is David's wake up call for all sleeping bears in the living room. But we hung out talked to his friends. I think we were the fourth band this month of October. He was a grand of American fun. Melt Banana are going to have a song on his copulation "Song's For Drinking Part 2". Cool, good fun but friggen COLD. Well we couldn't get a show at Mausolea Montana. So there was no show in Minneapolis. There wasn't much in between the next few days but time and driving.We were looking at two days to drive 30 hours. Just the mountains, me and four Japanese kids. Look out truckers here we come, Put the hammer down. The first real test of strength and spirit. 10/28/96 Here it was cold, raining and miserable. Nothing to do but drive, was some food on the road and off to hell. The only thing I could think that would even be fun over this drive was to stop at Mount Rushmore. Well it was a slow grind, the van was loaded with so much gear and people it barely moved. 50 mile and hour was pushing it. Up hill was sometimes as fast as 15 mile and hour. I let YaSuKo and Sudoh play truck driver to. We had plenty of time for practicing. Climbing the mountains started to be a challenge. I could feel the van dying slowly. As time went on the van grew weary, false and slowing down like an aging turtle. Finally after rain, snow, ice, BLACK ICE, 70 mile an hour winds the van decided to die. We had weathered a beating from mother nature. Just ahead of a full blown winter saga, I knew it was all we could do to keep forging forward at all cost. Finally I stopped in Wall South Dakota. Wanted to eat and get some gas. Nothing was in between here.the next possible scene would be Minneapolis, let alone a major city.We pulled in to Wall for a bite to eat. All of us tired and cold, But the FUCKING mother earth was blowing the Arctic winds down on South Dakota. As soon as the side door opened things were sent flying, like a tornado the shit was blown down the street before you could blink. Rika lost here shoe, we lost papers food, clothes and are breathe for a few minutes. Rika had to wear my shoes during the meal. We ate some fucked up Fried Chicken. It was like Hospital food gone nightmare. Like prison Sunday lunch. Well ain't much to Wall south Dakota. The whole town is one strip set up as a cowboy town. A tourist stop for grand Americans. Turns out that The Key Board player in Faith No More Grand Parents own that thing. What a racket it was. Well We shop for shoes and wanted to look at the cowboy gifts. I tried to talk Rika into wearing my cowboy boots the rest of the tour, but she bought some trendy black boots for $150 dollars. Ouch. I was wondering why they only brought one pair of shoes each? Weird.!!! Finally done with this forsaking town, it was time for a fill up of gas and out of this ghost town. After filling up in freezing bald cold winds. I turned the van over and it would not start. I t was so FUCKING cold. The thing was fucked. I knew it wasn't getting fuel. The thing was getting chocked. Choked by this weather from Mr. Winter. I got the Melt Banana's in the gas station and told them it would be a bit before we could roll again. I wanted them to stay warm. I went back and tried to turn it over again and DEAD DOG IT WAS. I put one extra sweats, gloves and a fat coat. Removed the damp cold dog house and look around. I thought for sure the fuel pump needed to be replaced. Since I had one no FUCKING problem. It will be a very cold operation but the surgeon must cut. Survival is all we have. After fighting the weather I told YaSuKo it could be some time before this gets fixed. A police Officer was in the Gas station and I asked him for advise on a garage. he just looked at me and said well son try down that there street. Should be a shop open. Hell just run down there and ask 'em for help! Well he wasn't going to help. I ran across the street to the other garage and asked them for some gasket sealer. They said no and I ran down the street to an Ace Hardware. After this futile attempts at gasket sealer I finally scored. Now I was set to replace this fuel pump. After breaking the Air filter lose I notice we were being chocked out by gas and oil and sludge from the engine. I didn't know if it was the weather or the van. I got the engine started with out the breather on it. and replaced the dog house. I knew we couldn't drive with a open carburetor. But we couldn't stay here either. The weather was turning to winter freeze over and if we didn't get out of Wall soon we would be here for a couple of days. I told YaSuKo that we could miss the show in Madison Wisconsin. Well we will see I said? I drove down to the other garage and they were good ole boys to. This time it was lets use the traveling Japanese band trick. I got the Melt Banana Kids to sit in the Garage again while I worked on the van. The red necks let me use there wash out tank, I rebuilt the carburetor and washed out the sludge. It took me about 2 hours but after it was set with new floats it was running good again. Tired, oily and well worth the weight in hell, I was ready to get out of Wall South Dakota. Man was I. red necks and Nothing but cold ass weather. With the wind in our face, we foraged through to Wisconsin. Being the fact we broke down, added much time to our tables. We were unable to see Mount Rushmore now because of time and available time. It was three am when we drove by. FUCK. One American loss for us. But we drove and drove and drove some more. Cranking the heat and the music. The three of us drove for 42 hours. That was one long haul with one hell of a breakdown. Next thing I know we pulled up in Madison and it was still FUCKING cold. I was tired as all hell but not beat, not yet! Just FUCKING tired. 10/29/96 Drive like hell. 10/30/96 Madison Wisconsin, Okayz Madison, We drove to Sean Bovines work. I slept. But YaSuKo drove us to where he worked. I thought he might give us the keys to his house. I just wanted to sleep, get in a warm house and quit fighting the weather. It was morning 11:00 am and we were here. We FUCKING made it.We didn't miss the show. The girls went in to get Sean. I knew he worked in an office. Girls rule in those positions. Sean Came out and I was sleeping, they woke me up and it was so bright I couldn't see. We talked to Sean and he was nice. We could stay with him, but it would have to wait until he gets off work. It didn't matter I couldn't keep my eyes open. I slept Melt Banana went to eat, they brought me out some food and i was still to tired to eat. We drove to a music store, look around and I slept some more. Agata found a Sun Beta lead head, one just like mine. He wanted it and I asked him what they said? Agata told me $400 for cabinet and head. I told him we could offer him $200 and just the head. We'll see what he says. We can come back tomorrow again. I talked some shit, The store said he wasn't going to split the cabinet from the head. I offered him $200 and he said no. Agata was about to offer more and I said NO! Lets go, we can come back tomorrow. Well Off to Sean's, We can buy that head tomorrow. The van seems to be running still. But it was time to shower and start the night. Sean had a fairly big apartment, also filled with records. Sean gave us top ramine and A few of them showered. I showered to get rid of the oil and dirt from working on the van. I was still covered with grease. We went to the club, did sound check, grabbed some food at the local pizza shop / Italian food. The club had 44 people and we rocked. It felt good to be performing again. Those days off make me feel lonely. I miss the thrill of getting all worked up for that one rock set of the night. Well Melt Banana were great. They showed their appreciation in my hard work through grinding out as hard as they could. The fans that were here loved it. The show was good, 61 people paid, but I counted only 44 heads. the opener sucked local talent, and the sub pop band was funny at least. I forget their name. Melt Banana ruled the show tonight. They come across as a great personality. All is good and YaSuKo and gang have a mission, an old man goes nuts, The Guitar player from Pachinco was the booker, Brian pays off, maybe he took pocket money? I'm not sure. He was vague about the show and wanted to talk about Jello Biafra and his record label. Sean almost slept through it. We used the down stairs room, kids were coming down stairs to smoke pot. Melt Banana did a couple of interviews. We used the photocopy machine for our "We're Not mean" tour mailing list. The thing churned out about fifty copies and we were on our way. Back at the Bovine ranch we ate, signed on checked our two days off and traveling mail. Food, sleep and a Bovine Kitten. We scored some free records and said or thanks, slept the night away and woke up a little late and headed out for Chicago. 10/31/96 Chicago, home of Melt Banana U.S.A. Well before we left today in Madison, We hassled for the Sun Beta head. I got it for $250. that was 50 more then I wanted to pay, but Agata did not seem to mind. We were a few hours late for the departure of Melt Banana. The van was running bad, slow and sluggish. So after a five hour drive and heavy traffic we arrived in Chicago. being Halloween I would have rather been in Detroit. That would have been something special for Melt Banana to see. DEVILS NIGHT and the city of Detroit on fire. But we settled for Skin Graft blow out. We pulled up to the club early and then phoned skin graft. Spending little time in town we went to the ware house. It was the old Touch & Go ware house. it was cold and damp. Agata and I were fighting the brink of insanity and colds. Though we never got sick. It would have been nice to stay some where warm. My friends In No Empathy were running the bar. they kept the orange juice a flowing. I think his helped. Agata was excited to try out his new head. He lost his electric converter. But they found it in the van. The van was full of stuff. it was crazy. Talked with quit a few PLAINFIELD fans. We sold a lot of t-shirts this night. There was a cool video shot this night. The fans were great. The band was real hot. Rika started this ongoing thing about the bass rig not working right. She kept hearing a rumble in the sound. I checked it out and there was nothing wrong. After the set, I tore down and The band was starting to show their lazy side on breaking the equipment down. Later this night Melt Banana were hunger. It was late. Mark had dragged us around after the show. He only paid us $240 bucks, we should have got $300 easy. I counted 200 people + at this show. It was a run down bowling ally that had punk shows. Mark told me that he had a lot of money invested into Melt Banana and that they would understand. I went and Got YaSuKo and we talked with Mark. I don't think that Mark understands. We drew the people we should get paid. His expenses were paid. I did not like this man. I've seen more people like him rip off young bands. I do not like his type. Finally we got out of there. Melt Banana wanted food. It was after 2:00 am and everything was closed. I went to 7 11 with a few of the kids. I bought frozen pizza, chocolate milk and spam. back at the skin graft ware house I nuked the pizza with the spam on top and we chowed the pizza in two minutes flat. This was a remarkable event. With the spam & Chocolate milk. YUMMY! The next morning Melt Banana & Mark talked. They didn't finish this conversation so I pushed to leave for Muskegon. The van was sounding bad. And it was about to blow up. The fuel pump was pumping gas into the oil. We creaked away, headed to Michigan. 11/1/96 Muskegon Michigan The Ice pick I wrote more about this night for the inter net. Tim Yohanon of Maximum Rock & Roll got a hold of this and printed it in Issue #. So this story has made it's distance already. click here to read it again. But the short story is I knew most everyone. I was raised in these woods. The opening band played for hours. Playing covers of Black Sabbath and the Mentors. The promoter is nuts, Mark and his twisted ways. What a strange place to play. It was good for Melt Banana to play here. The band, the beards, the booze, worship booze, Zeig Hiel and all the shit, six years I have been away from this shit. Give me a melt down! 11/2/96 Chicago Lounge Axe Back to the windy city, after a fresh look into Michigans darker side. We didn't have time to fix the van. But we will soon. Melt Banana have to be in Evanston Illinois to record for a radio show. It was a struggle but we made it. The hardest part about these things are the campus. They are always hard to locate shit. But we made it in time. Got some coffee and we were ready to rock. Melt Banana pulled out three songs I never heard at this session I was amazed. Later I made them play some of these. Paint It Black By the rolling stones was a very cool cover song. They destroyed it. It was wicked, weird and tangled in a mass of confusion. The people were cool. we got some dat tapes made and boogied over to the stressed out Mark from Skin Graft records. He had laid it all on the line for this big OOPPS show. I bonded with Gary the sound man right away. He is a great man. We ate Tia food after sound check. Rika told me more about the amplifier being broke. I checked it again. But nothing was wrong. Several bands played. But I only like U Fantastic. I saw Doug here. He is in Mount Shasta. I knew his old group Dirt. But people were being artistic and the show was full of skits and plays. It dragged out and Melt Banana did not get on stage until 1:30 am. I was trying to get drinks for melt banana but the kid running the show was a slow pathetic goon. I later took him out with a small flash light up his ass. Melt Banana were tiered tonight. they played well but It was a show I would have not been thrilled about if I paid to get in. At the end of the show my equipment was covered with Marshmallow and chocolate mess. I was pissed. Mark tried to short us money, but both YaSuKo and I argued for more cash. Chicago is fun but Skin Graft is a drag. They make nice products, but the way they treat the artist is revolting. The next day melt Banana & Skin Graft had another meeting. It went on for a long time. I had to put and end to this meeting and we needed to head out to Michigan again. The tour must go on. The van was now screaming for help. It needed work Bad. Like a bird got caught in the engine and was chirping to get out. We said good bye and headed for Ypsilanti. By this time when ever the wheels started to turn the kids in Melt Banana fell asleep just minutes after hitting the high way. + ZENA gave us many cookies and great brownies this trip. 11/3/97 The Green Room I had to beg for this show. The booking company was not even helpful about this. They wanted to keep Melt banana to a very minimum show case in the mid west and rush us over to the east coast. But Pansy Division and the guys in PLAINFIELD all said great things about the green room and John. So I pushed again. Finally NOAB said okay. The show in Detroit was supposed to be in jeopardy now. But in the end it all worked out. 43 people showed up. And about 12 of them came the next night at ZOOTS in Detroit. John of the Green room was so cool. The van was dying and spitting oil out. Little did I know that the oil was thinned down with Gasoline. John gave me four quarts and feed the Banana Kids. It was good food and lots of coffee. Melt Banana recorded live for a green room CD compilation. John discussed the contract that we drew up and we changed a few things. All was fine and we agreed to his proposals. the show was hot. Misty from Horsey came out to see me. I was so FUCKING burnt out. I was drinking coffee like crazy. But after tonight I was back at my fathers trailer and things would be safe. the band lit up the stage with passion and expertise. After the show was done, John gave Melt Banana many gifts. We headed back to battle Creek for a good rest. The next day we looked at the van. My brother and I changed the fuel pump all the filters and the oil. The van was set. 11/4/97 Grand rapids Michigan This place sucks. It always has and always will. We go to the show and it was canceled. I was starting to think this was going to be the first hell of the show booking. The kids from Muskegon came down. The NAZI was with us again. The show was moved over to Club Over Drive. A club ran by red necks. Cool. It was FUCKING cold, the jet heater was on, but it did little. We ate Chinese food and came back. The promoter Jason lied to me right off. he said he never got the contract. well fuck him. He received the CD but not the contract. I called him a bold face liar, and looked him in the eyes. He told me he smoked to much pot today. But he wouldn't even get us water. Later I leaned on him again. I had the rednecks and the Muskegon kids on my side. Jason showed up with Pizza and water later the end of the show. I think it was a nice effort but a bit to late. The P.A. sucked. the red necks were fun. The kids rocked. The band played well. Gentle Giant records was here tonight. they brought Agata a rat pedal from Kalamazoo. A 1973 Rat Pedal. Cool gift. Michigan rocks. lots of recordings this night and 63 people in attendance. Back to my brothers house this night. We showed up and I showed Melt Banana all the dead animals and guns in this house. Detroit is next. 11/5/96 Detroit ZOOTS CAFE This is the show that Gravitor was to play. The guy was throwing a fit about all the shows in Michigan. he was the one who made NOAB upset about Michigan. To tell you the truth he should have felt lucky to have this band. I voted to not play Detroit. They played there in 1995 with Mr. Bungle to 800 people. But the kids from Muskegon, Ypsilanti and Grand Rapids came to Detroit to see Melt Banana. If anything it helped. 96 people in a small house turned into a cafe. My brother came with us to this show. They feed us mushroom soup and coffee. the opening band sucked bad. real Bad The P.A. was small, the club was small and it was not what I would call a great time. People sat and watched. No one danced. Not like in Muskegon or grand rapids, the kids there went NUTS! Detroit is jaded. But for the most part it was fun. I would like to see them play the old Miami next time. back at my brothers house, they all stayed up and talked with him. I slept and rested up. I was about to leave the safety of Michigan. Once again, fending for the kids of Japan all alone. We were supposed to play Kalamazoo Michigan this day of 11/6/96 But NOAB fell short of strength and settled for less. This was not my doing. I wanted more. Even Cleveland Ohio would have worked. There was more places to play in Michigan but they (NOAB) wouldnt budge for another show. 11/6/96 Shooting Guns and Shopping in Battle Creek Michigan We went to Meijers, shot guns and I visited my mother grave. My brother cooked for Melt Banana. It was strange food. Mexican and Chinese mixed together and cooked by a full blooded RED NECK We rested some more and talked to my family. Nieces and Nephews, Both Brothers and My father too. Said good bye and went to sleep. The next day my Father and I went to breakfast and then Melt Banana and I left for Indiana. (end page 2 - mean1.html)